Monday, April 18, 2005

More experience

I posted the following account as a comment to my previous post, but on thinking about it decided that it was worth a few more general thoughts. I wondered how boring all this was to other people. Not many share my particular enthusiasms, but I suppose among my readers - greetings to you how many or few you may be - it it is mre worthwhile. Anyway I enjoy describing my experiences which enables me to relive them. Ths is what I wrote
I had my first rebuff today.I was refused admission to a seaside bar. It was however a place where they might have trouble on a Saturday, so perhaps understandable if disagreeable.

Elsewhere earlier on a sunny afternoon I had trudged along a shingle beach in my full outdoor gear - suit, trousers, jacket, big belt, mack with collar strapped right up, two pairs of gloves, open-face hood and shades.

This was good endurance training. It attracted no attention, and a pub served me a welcome beer without comment. I had some good natured comment elsewhere - I enjoyed that and was quite relaxed about it. I reply the same way, and explain if interested.

In fact it is interesting that it is usually the same- I pass a couple of youths or young men, or a party of several perhaps with girls, or a couple of girls together and they comment loudly as I pass, or across the road. I stop , wave, and say 'Hi'. They say something or look and I stop or go across and say 'How do you like my gear?' They then ask why I wear it, or ask where my bike is -I don't have one alas. After laughing or chat I break off and move on. Talking to girls is a special pleasure. I am anxious not to be a nuisance, and am conscious I am much older than they are. Am I a nuisance and is anyone likely to object? Police take no notice of me.

1:50 PM

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Enjoying rubber in public

I am now getting quite used to going around in my big SBR mack, boots, gloves, and SBR cap - a modest outfit, but one which still attracts some enjoyable attention. The trouble is that people in general do not seem to notice it at all. Are they pretending or have I to wait for summer to look more out of the ordinary? However enough people, especially young adults, do pay attention - I have ben photographed several times, once by a girl who asked my permission and was very interested in what I said about habitually wearing rubber whatever the weather. I am moving on to wearing my open-faced hood and catsuited with latex showing under my SBR.

It is interesting that I have become quite accustomed to going around in shops and pubs and no longer have to brace myself when goung in. When I take off a heavy glove to pay revealing a thin glove underneath I do it as a matter of course. Wearing the rubber too is still pleasant but famiiliar - I strap up tightly my belt and collar just as I might tie my shoelaces.

Not a very exciting story, but I am quite enjoying myself. And perhaps making things easier for other rubberists.

I have had by the way an interesting email from 'hoo', but find my replies from rejected by their server for some reason. Could they perhaps send a privcate message via the IAR forum, or add a comment here? I could give them a mobile number. I will try sending from a different server when I can find one.
