Saturday, February 05, 2005

Showing off!

When I write about wondering what people's reactions are top seeing me in black rubber gear in public, it is of course because I enjoy showing off in my gear, particularly if the weather is hot and sunny and my gear not only looks unnecessary and inappropriatebut also makes people wonder how I can stand wearing it under the hot sun.

The answer to that is that being practiced I can stand being stewed in hot overall rubber better than 999 out of a thousand, and what is more I can enjoy it. I can spend a hot day rubbered and feel quite normal. The feeling that I am able to discipline myself is my reward. I sometimes think that getting used to wearing gear continuously could become just a normal way of dress and not require any special effort of gratifying self-discipline. That would though take more training than I have been able to undertake.

The fact that people look at me and I receive many laughs and humorous comments is another plus. I laugh back and can exchange repartee. When people are curious and interested I am glad to explain my eccentricity to them.

What I do wonder is how far I am justified in bringing other people into my scene. If I felt I was annoying or worrying people I should have to think again. but as long I am merely a curiosity and an amusement that is OK by me. Comments on that much appreciated.


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