Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A rigorous training session.

I must tell you about last night - a super session.

I had read the recent posts on sleeping in rubber on the IAR forum and decided to have another go myself last night. I had been wearing my usual gear out during the whole day - suit, jacket trousers, open faced hood etc. which I have described before, so last night just took off my mack and boots whicj would have been too cumbersome and added full-face hood with mouth zip.

I turned up the heating to 25C (77F), put a latex sheet on the bed and and with aid of some talcum climbed into my big heavy rubber rubber sleeping sack. I had my head inside but the zip wide open except when I sht it up compleely for rebreathing training. I shut the mouth zip then too. I lasted abou ten minutes each time - I was really sweating. With a few breaks to go to the bathroom which meant opening up three zips to get to my sheathed pants with tube. I endured all night. I slept little - my hood obstructed breathing a little so I woke up every few minutes to take deep breaths.

It was a very good night - really severe endurance training, but I am tired this morning. All the same I am back in my boots and soon will into my SBR mack etc to go out. I reckon that by tonight both I and my gear will need a wash.

The trouble is that I cannot manage rigorous training like that too frequently, enjoyable as it is. I must try less heat and perhaps a different hood to sleep better.

Being a rubberist means to me being tough but I really enjoy it all.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Rubber as routine

Nothing special to report. Just rendom rubber msngs.

My rubber gear remain routine for going out and often in the house as well. I now go around locally happily in my SBR mack, with trousers showing above polishedboots, open-face hood and big gloves. I have a wide double buckled latex belt on my mack, and a latex strap collar to hold the collar well up. It all attracts little attention in the street and shops Under my mack I have usually a suit, jacket, thin trousers and thick trousers, sometimes two suits. I had to work up to it. Going into a shop or pub mean I had to take a deep beath. Now I can stand up and look people n the face through my dark glasses. This means I seem more normal and is worth remembering for those starting wearing rubber in public.

When the weather gets warm and sunny I shall get more curiosity especially from the young. Do the older not see me, or just pretend not to? AsI have said before I enjoy the challenge of warmer weather. I will not overdo it - in the past I have endured and enjoyed a really challenging day going around in the heat, but have been left shagged out for several days. I would rather be able to train more gently every day.

Feeling hot, tight rubber round me as now while I write is uncomfortable, but although routine remains a pleasure. I suppose can enjoy all day conditions which an untrained person would find impossible after a few minutes. Or is it just that they lack motivation? What is it that makes me want to endure it all and test my limits?

One area I have not really tackled is sleeping in rubber. I have a big sleep sack, but I don't slide into it easily. Whether I am rubbered or not it is hard to get into and move about in. I can zip it up right over my head, or with a small gap for breathing, but that is dangerous for sleeping, so I need my head out. I hope to get ithe sack chlorinated so that I could then get in and out and move around inside easily. The trouble is that it is too stimulating to let me sleep, like drinking strong coffee.

36 hours in rubber continuously with front zips for relief and plenty to drink to avoid dehydrations, always a danger, leaves me and the rubber needing a wash. 23/24 hours for regular wear is acheved by some but I think with lighter weight gear, although rubber total enclosure is total enclosure, one layer or many.

I am a bit discouraged by the absence of comments on my recent blogs. Unless you comment I feel I am talking to the empty air. I wonder how many readers I have? How many people fnd my bog through a blog search engine? What do vanilla readers think of me? Am I just a self-centred bore?
