Friday, April 15, 2005

Enjoying rubber in public

I am now getting quite used to going around in my big SBR mack, boots, gloves, and SBR cap - a modest outfit, but one which still attracts some enjoyable attention. The trouble is that people in general do not seem to notice it at all. Are they pretending or have I to wait for summer to look more out of the ordinary? However enough people, especially young adults, do pay attention - I have ben photographed several times, once by a girl who asked my permission and was very interested in what I said about habitually wearing rubber whatever the weather. I am moving on to wearing my open-faced hood and catsuited with latex showing under my SBR.

It is interesting that I have become quite accustomed to going around in shops and pubs and no longer have to brace myself when goung in. When I take off a heavy glove to pay revealing a thin glove underneath I do it as a matter of course. Wearing the rubber too is still pleasant but famiiliar - I strap up tightly my belt and collar just as I might tie my shoelaces.

Not a very exciting story, but I am quite enjoying myself. And perhaps making things easier for other rubberists.

I have had by the way an interesting email from 'hoo', but find my replies from rejected by their server for some reason. Could they perhaps send a privcate message via the IAR forum, or add a comment here? I could give them a mobile number. I will try sending from a different server when I can find one.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE have tried to contact you again but either you are elsewhere or? We should like to discuss with you how you enjoy the outimgs and points of mutual interest. Please let us phone you on your land line as this is so much cheaper than mobile. Enjoy your rubber week end. Regards, James & Lizzie

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at tim davis's site for atomage which goes back to the 50s,so there is nothing new under the sun,rubber was used for survival gear during WW2 so that is where it started for many people

11:29 AM  

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