Monday, March 28, 2005

Coming a little way out of the closet

I said earlier I was going to try the effect of going around locally in SBR mack and boots, and I have started doing it. The variable spring weather has been quite suitable for this, making my gear more appropriate.

I started off by going to a local meeting where I knew a lot of the people. Before the meeting began I had quite a few comments such as 'Where's the Hsarley-Davidson?". I asked various people how they liked my gear, explaining it was my new positive image, and they all seemed to think me merely eccentric. I sat there happily all evening with my mack fastened right up. So I am becoming a familiar figure in the streets round here. When the weather gets warmer, comments will get no doubt more puzzled. I said to one elderly and forthright woman acquaintance when I met her, 'I have taken to wearing this mack and boots. I think it is rather dashing'. She answered somewhat disapprovingly, 'Yes, but not quite the thing on a fine and sunny morning!'

Away from home I add gloves and SBR cap, and this makes a defintiely more striking outfit, provoking lots of comment from teeneagers, who think it cool. Older men in pubs look enquiringly at me, and I just explain I like wearing rubber, and this seems an acceptable explanation. Nobody seems to see or at least show they see any sexual connotation. I wear a latex jacket and trousers underneath but people do not know that unless I actually explain it. The trousers show slightly but are not at all obvious.

As the weather gets warmer I shall see how it all develops. It is certainly enjoyable, and I have got quite used to the experience. I do not push it on every occasion locally however, so hope my social place will not be upset. As I wrote earlier I have lots of friends and contacts and would not like to lose these.

So it is a rather dull story for readers so far. It may encourage some other people. I am fortunate to live alone and have no family to consider, nor a job, so it is all easier for me. Older people are allowed to be eccentric anyway.

But I wish I could get my SBR latex lined.



Blogger Blackie said...

I have had an email at from hoo but my reply was rejected by their server. Could they please send a private message on IAR instead?

I suspect server does not offer suffcient security for some servers to take messages, or perhaps they do not like the word rubberist. It is a nuisance but IAR messages offer an alternative.


8:17 AM  

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