Monday, February 07, 2005

In the closet

My rubber has always been concealed from neighbours, friends, business associates, and relatives. This is a paradox considering how much I like showing off in rubber as I have written before.

I have indeed a busy and full vanilla life although I live on my own and have no one close to me to be hurt by or object to my conduct. Yet I do not want to upset a network of relationships important to me. I wonder what their reaction would be if they saw me in my outdoor gear of black SBR mack over belted catsuits with open-faced hood, boots and big gloves? Amazement no doubt. How would affect they way they treated me afterwards in vanilla gear? A great deal I am sure.

Like many things, I suspect seeing people in rubber is something to get used to. In any town the local harmless eccentrics are familiar and harmless. I have taken to wearing highly-polished rubber (not plastic) wellington boots with black chinos etc. when shopping etc. In Winter this has become the way people are used frequently to seeing me. Women undoubtedly find them intriguing and comment with approval on the polish. In summer it will look more odd, but not surprising.

Next, I shall try wearing a SBR mack on wet days with my boots, and that will again become familiar, and after a bit even on dry and sunny days provoke only the occasional word of surprise. What though will people say behind my back? How many of them will know enough to attribute any sexual significance to my habit? Or feel something without knowing why? They will not however I am sure regard me as dangerous.

That seems far enough for me to venture, though perhaps close friends may in time be allowed to know that I do enjoy my gear and might on occasion wear more. Ideally one does not want to be deceitful, and to have the constant danger of being caught out and surprising everybody instead of easing them into the idea gently about which I speculate.

To be able to answer the door fully rubbered (a shock though still for strangers unused to such habits), and to go out in full gear without fear of observation sounds attractive but I do not think it can be done witrh sacrificing one's social place, not status, but all the intimacies with old friends. Wider social occasions with both friends and strangers present have their dress code, even if not white tie and tails, and a participant must conform.

So you see I am restless in my closet.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Showing off!

When I write about wondering what people's reactions are top seeing me in black rubber gear in public, it is of course because I enjoy showing off in my gear, particularly if the weather is hot and sunny and my gear not only looks unnecessary and inappropriatebut also makes people wonder how I can stand wearing it under the hot sun.

The answer to that is that being practiced I can stand being stewed in hot overall rubber better than 999 out of a thousand, and what is more I can enjoy it. I can spend a hot day rubbered and feel quite normal. The feeling that I am able to discipline myself is my reward. I sometimes think that getting used to wearing gear continuously could become just a normal way of dress and not require any special effort of gratifying self-discipline. That would though take more training than I have been able to undertake.

The fact that people look at me and I receive many laughs and humorous comments is another plus. I laugh back and can exchange repartee. When people are curious and interested I am glad to explain my eccentricity to them.

What I do wonder is how far I am justified in bringing other people into my scene. If I felt I was annoying or worrying people I should have to think again. but as long I am merely a curiosity and an amusement that is OK by me. Comments on that much appreciated.