Saturday, December 31, 2005

The next morning - and back in rubber.

In my last post, written as you will have seen in great rubber enthusiasm, I said I would put on my Russian gasmask with stretch hood and see how long I could last lying on a latex sheet. I lay there in the dark, gripped all over by rubber, hot and sweating, reflecting on the joys of being a rubberist and on the rubber story I had just read in the new IAR postings.

But it didn't last long. I had to pee. Peeing in suits is all right at the time, but unexpected drips outside occur, and the gear is hard to clean properly. So I struggled out of my gear, and fell naked into bed.

This morning though, when I have chores to do, and shopping to get, I felt rubbery again,and put on my light gear - sheathed pants, a thin shirt with zip front and laced neck, and medium trousers with socks over the ankles. Then came my heavy trousers and heavy jacket with my wide sdouble-buckled stetch belt on tightly, which is what I have on now.

When I go out I will put on my mack, tightly belted and with a neck strap, and my boots, SBR cap and short heavy gloves. It is a mild morning and I shall be nice and warm. Nobody will though I fear take any notice of me - they have seen me before, but perhaps being a Saturday I shall get get some ribald comments from yobs. I give as good as I get with a laugh, and have had no problems with them and indeed enjoy it. With any luck the girls will look and laugh, and if they are in a group question me. I am careful about young people though and do not encourage more than a brief conversation.

So you see I am enjoying my rubber life and steadily learning to take more rubber discomfort and heat. I am also nowquite used to going around in public geared up. As I have said before, if your behaviour is ordinary, then the rest of you is acceptable even if you look weird.



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