Saturday, December 10, 2005

It is time I posted another image. Here is one of me in clubbing gear. There is of course a complete suit and then a thin jacket and trousers under the heavy jacket and trousers visible.

I did not sleep in rubber last night. I had been wearing my sheather underpants and thin suit for 36 hours and both they and I needed a wash. During the day yesterday I wore my thin suit, thin trousers and jacket, and thick jacket under my SBR mack, with no hood, just SBR cap as described before, with a pair of short heavy gloves. I was out and about like that.

In the evening I stripped off the two jackets and trousers and put on a heavy weight suit with hood, then replaced two pairs of trousers and the thick jacket, plus a stretch hood. My long thin glove sleeves were under my jacket. Finally I had my long heavy gloves and shades. This is the usual sort of gear I wear to walk half a mile to the pub and back. They were very busy last night, with music and I could not hear anything, so I did not stay long. The two hoods make it difficultto hear at the best of times. I need an intercom system - suggestions welcomed.

Then I had difficulty in stripping off the thick suit shoulders. It is tight fitting and getting it off the shoulders is notmally tricky, but when it was sticking to the thin suit very difficult. So I was pretty tired when I was finally naked. and able to have a wash.

Today I shall be back in my thin suit, two jackets and two trousers, which I find comfortable. I could do with a thin suit with attached open-faced hood. If I want a hood today I should find pulling on a stretch hood over the hair difficult.

AsI have said I am now pretty well out. I wear the hood to the pub but otherwise not locally, though I do so where Ido not meet so many people I know. Next week I shall be away in vanilla, and no doubt will be rubbery on return.

As I have said before, if I can chlorinate my sleep sack so that I can get in more easily, I shall try using it more, wearing either a suit or naked. There is a temptation to zip it up nearly completely over my head leaving only a small breathing aperture, but this is too dangerous. I am not used to it, and so lose sleep.

Sealed has explained his technique for endurance training is to undertake regularly a routine and to increase the time and severity from mild to more severe. Vanilla life tends to interfere with this for me.

The summer is much more fun - I have the challenge of enduring heat when out and geared, and I attract agreeably more attention. I am careful though not to expose myself to possible unpleasantness or even violence, as I have explained before. However even at present I enjoy my showing off,which sounds a nicer term than exhibitionism. My combination of rubberfetishism, masochism and exhibitionism is I suppose fairly common. I am able to enjoy it, though many, most no doubt, for vanilla reasons cannot.

Your comments as always welcome.


Blogger Sealed said...

Hi Blackie,

Sounds like you are really making up for time lost while away. Frankly I cannot believe how many layers you manage to wear. Great effort. I think I would be worn out by the time I got to the street entrance, let alone walk long distances and move from cold to hot bar environment and back again.

Must make you really happy to be able to endure so much. Guess you wouldn’t do it otherwise. Although very different in style to my own, I do find myself relating to your situation. Guess the submissive part of my personality likes the sound of endurance thing…

Do you sometimes feel like you are submitting to the rubber itself – or is that wide of the mark. I mention it as a fetish was once described to me as the potent love of an inanimate object or material. Well subs generally submit to their loved ones and it would certainly resonate with my feelings...

Just a thought,

4:51 PM  
Blogger Blackie said...

Thanks for the comments Sealed and Dark. Your responses to my posts are very encouraging.

I am clear what are my rubber needs. The rubber must be black and not mixed with vanilla at all. I sometimes do have to conceal ruubber under vanilla of course but that is definitely not as good.

My rubber layers have always been thick though very awkward to manage several layers. Bending the elbows can easily samage the skin on the inseide of the joint for example. recently I have found medium weight not quite so tight good, a discovery. I do not see them as underwear and top wear.

More endurance is needed in multi-layer, and I feel I must train to be a tough rubberist. As I have said before I think of a trainee rubberist, a trained rubberist, and finally a tough rubberist. I think I have got as far as being a trained rubberist. There is no doubt as Sealed has said that training increases one's ability to wear rubber for a long time.

I said my combination of fetishism, masochism and exhibitionism must be common. That overstated it.It probably is not sommon, but there must be people of my turn of mind who cannot as I can - I think the word must be - submit to my needs. These are now as I wrote not just lusts. Do I love my rubber as Sealed asks? That needs thought and a later answer.

My showing off is interesting. Now that people take no notice of me, it seems almost flat. As Dark says, exhibitionism demands a response. Many unconbventional people are making a statement that they do not conform to sciety's rules. I am not making such a statement. I want people, particularly women, to comment even if ridiculing me, and to wonder how I can eenjoy such obvious discomfort.

It is remarkable how shiny black is a powerful fashion statement even is small quantities like patent leather evening shoes for men, or belts for women. Perhaps I have have just a stronger sense of this.

I need my rubber to be impermeable. Being wet with sweat and the water and soapI use for lubrication putting on the gaear is masochistically satisfying.

On stiffnes I like the rubber flexible exceptfor collars and belts designed to be restrictive and uncomfortable.

I do not have a rubber partner now. In another blog I will write about the Dom I used to vist.

On a purely practical note I have now developed a nasty cold which is a definite rubber turn off.

Another nuisance is that my difital camera has to be set for each phot to timer moded, and that is tricky in gloves and goggles, though these have prescription lenses.

For my last posted picture I used an old camera which remained set, but the colours are not coming out well. Is it just that it needs more light than a newer camera, or is something wearing out? I enhanced the colours which helped a bit.


10:32 AM  
Blogger Blackie said...

Thanks Dark.

A nasty cold has brought me back to earth. Illness is definitely vanilla to me. Do people with medical fetish experience pleasure when really needing and receiving treatment?

What by the way does Latex Lady do when she has a streaming cold in a hood? Perhaps she is not exposed to infection. Her life presents the rest of us with many puzzles, as various posts have shown.

Your account, Dark, of your day appeals. I enjoy my vanilla life, and I dress appropriately when necessary. However for much of everyday life I can wear more or less rubber. As I said it now peoduces little reaction, so I can feel disappointed.

I do find that when I am in rubber people touch me - men will pat my back, and women hug me, rather more I think than in vanilla. So is it the shiny black thing?

I am trying wearing heavy latex jacket and trousers with big belt on selected occasions rather than the SBR mack. They are a little more unconventional. At this time of year less noticeable. The warm weather is different. Much more fun - a challenge to endure and more remarkable.

I must be getting better, or I should not have written so much.


8:57 AM  
Blogger Blackie said...

Thanks Dark.

A nasty cold has brought me back to earth. Illness is definitely vanilla to me. Do people with medical fetish experience pleasure when really needing and receiving treatment?

What by the way does Latex Lady do when she has a streaming cold in a hood? Perhaps she is not exposed to infection. Her life presents the rest of us with many puzzles, as various posts have shown.

Your account, Dark, of your day appeals. I enjoy my vanilla life, and I dress appropriately when necessary. However for much of everyday life I can wear more or less rubber. As I said it now peoduces little reaction, so I can feel disappointed.

I do find that when I am in rubber people touch me - men will pat my back, and women hug me, rather more I think than in vanilla. So is it the shiny black thing?

I am trying wearing heavy latex jacket and trousers with big belt on selected occasions rather than the SBR mack. They are a little more unconventional. At this time of year less noticeable. The warm weather is different. Much more fun - a challenge to endure and more remarkable.

I must be getting better, or I should not have written so much.


8:57 AM  

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