Friday, October 14, 2005

Random rubber thoughts.

I said some time ago that I would describe how I felt when fully rubbered up, wearing about 25 lbs. of black latex gear. I described in some detail how I put on all this gear with careful attention to detail - a strip of black adhesive taspe to cover a zip slider or the tail of a belt where necessary.

I feel tightly constrained all over, a feeling that diminishes as the rubber warms and adjusts its position. I become accustomed to the firm and exciting grasp of rubber. When I walk I hear the rubber rustle - not a good word, but you will know what I mean. My mack dlaps agreeably. I feel a different person, ready to face the world as a rubberist. I only wish I could wear my full-face hood, goggled and with mouuth zip closed, as I do in clubs, but that remains unacceptable in public.

If the sun is shining, the heat oenetrates through rubber. Walking in hot weather soon becomes an effort, and I calculate carefully whether I can endure while I walk to somewhere to sit.

Now I am quite used to going around like this in public, and regularly visit the local pub. Indeed when I found myself there in vanilla gear recently it occasioned quite a lot of comment. I remain astonished at how little notice people take of me. I do not now I have had some experience think people in public really notice anything all that odd. Perhaps though they are consciously not looking. Some people do look of course, and young people do not disguise theeir interest,and often amusement. I am used to cars driven by young men tooting as they pass - I wave in return. I think I disarm comment by cheerful acceptance and joining in the amusement.

Rubber enthusiasm I find comes in waves. I am in the middle of an intensely rubbery period. If I really exhaust myself, then I go vanilla for some days or week. Or perhaps my vanilla life takes over and I have no rubber opportunities. Then the rubber appeal grows again.

My own particular combination of rubber fetishism, masochism and showing off (the word exhibitionism is unfortunate, since it is usually applied to people who seek to upset and embarrass strangers, which I very carefully avoid) seems very unusual. I am of course in the position of having no immediate family or work to hamper my enthusiasms, but I still seem very unusual.

A few people, mstly but not all men, whom I have met, know about the rubber scene, and have more or less interest. I have met two enthusiasts. They were in vanilla. I have not established any ongoing contact. I should of course, like so many male rubberists, like to meet a woman who was either into rubber or willing to try it. For a couple to go around in public rubbered up would be quite something.

That is enough random reflection. I will write again with more reflections!



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